Archive of Journal - Financing

Financing – scientific journal for economy

ISSUE 2018, No. 3, Article 6, Year of publication: 9, September, 2018
Synergy of marketing and accounting in light of BSC models of small business valuation


Srđan M. Lalić, PhD*
Dejan M. Tešić, MBA**
*PhD Assistant Professor, University of East Sarajevo,  Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina, Department for Accountancy *MBA Senior Assistant, University of East Sarajevo,  Faculty of Economics Brčko, Department for Marketing



It takes a lot of effort for companies operating in today’s business environment to survive, and then to be successful. Challenges of technology, regulation and big competition imply a new way of thinking and acting that goes beyond traditional business. Being excellent in all the functions of the company remains an imperative, but not a sufficient formula for success. In order to survive in a modern, turbulent environment, businesses need to turn to the integration of individual functions in the company and the adoption of new business concepts such as a balanced scorecard. The subject of this paper is the Balanced Scorecard, the concept of business arising from the integration of individual business functions of the company, with a special emphasis on the integration of accounting and marketing. The survey covered small enterprises in the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this paper is to point out the necessity of using the Balanced Scorecard concept in small enterprises and to prove that, although not nominally, this concept is already used in enterprises.

Keywords: marketing, accounting, BSC, small enterprises

DOI: DOI: 10.7251/FIN1803057L

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