ISSUE 2017, No. 2, Article 8, Year of publication: 8, June, 2017
Conditional release
Stefan Blagojević*
*3rd year student of the Faculty of Law, Union University Belgrade
Conditional Release is the early release of the convicted person from serving the sentence of deprivation of liberty, with the fulfillment of certain presumptions and the respect of the imposed conditions. Opinions on this institute and its impact on the resocialization and reha-bilitation of convicted persons are different. They move from those who believe that the institute of conditional release is one of the most effective means of improving the resocialization and rehabilitation and is one of the best ways to attain punishment and harmonization of its duration with the purpose of punishment, to those who, due to general disappointment in the idea resocializations express certain objections to this institution, and even the demands for its abolition.Nevertheless, it is not necessary to indulge in the “wave of disappointment” and to abandon resocialization and thus conditional release.
Keywords: conditional release, presumption for conditional release, convicted person, resocialization.