Archive of Journal - Financing


Financing – scientific magazine for economy

No: 1/2024

Year of publication: 15
March, 2024.

Article 1

Project development of information systems with the help of consultants

Boris Todorović, PhD*;
Marija Todorović**

*PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Depatment for Quantitative Analysis and Informatics,
**Aska Media, Beograd, Serbia

Article 2

Comparative analysis of economic development and quality of life in the countries of the region and selected eu countries
Author: Jelena Trivić, PhD**

*PhD Associate Professor, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Department for International Economic Relations

Article 3

Attitudes of auditors and managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the use of online meetings

Miloš Grujić, PhD*;
Jelena Poljašević, PhD**;
Saša Čekrlija, PhD***

*The Pension Reserve Fund Of Republic of Srpska,
**PhD, Full Professor, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Department for Accounting and Business Finance
***PhD, Associate Professor, Independent University of Banja Luka, Department for Management

Article 4

External growth of the company as a factor of strengthening competitiveness

Milan Pucarević, MSc*

*Finrar d.o.o. Banja Luka, PhD Student at University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics Banja Luka  (Member of the University – University of Banja Luka)

Article 5

Business Performance – Analysis from the Aspect of Profitability and Growth

Kristina Peštović, PhD*

*PhD, Full Professor, University of Novi Sad, The Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Department for Accounting and Business