Corporate Governance: Factors of Origin
and Accountability in Detection and Prevention
of Financial Frauds
Authors:Svetlana Sabljić, MBA,*
Tajana Serdar Raković, PhD**
**MBA Senior Assistant, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Department for Accounting and Business Finance **PhD Assistant Professor, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Department for Accounting and Business Finance
*PhD Associate Professor, University of Banja Luka, The Faculty of Economics, Department for Economic Theory, Analysis and Policy **Elite Fair d.o.o. Banja Luka ***GP Vrbas a.d. Laktaši
The Role of the ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil’
Institute in Protecting the Interests of Creditors
in the (Pre)bankruptcy Position of the Company
– Comparative legal presentation
Author: Stefan Blagojević, MSc*
*PhD Student at Faculty of Law Banja Luka, Member of the University – University of Banja Luka