Archive of Journal - Financing

Financing – scientific journal for economy

ISSUE 2019, No. 4, Article 4, Year of publication: 10, December, 2019

The goals and presumptions of balancing intangible assets


Vladimir Stanimirović, MSc*; Dragan Janjić, MSc**; Mladen Gajić, MSc***
* Doctoral student at the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka **Doctoral student at the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka ***Doctoral student at the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka



Modern economic theorists argue that there will be a new phase in the development of economic system of highly developed countries in which, along with production and trade of tangible assets and classic services, the most significant growth will occur in the trade of intangible assest, ideas and patents, provided that there is a reliable legal system that will enable it. Balancing and accounting treatment rely on dependable international acccountancy standards and international standards of financial reporting that regulate accounting treat-ment of intangible assests.The International Accountancy Standard 38 – Intangible AssetsTInaANNestablishes the accounting treatment of intangible assets that has not been dealt with other accounting standards. The standard requires recognition of intangible assets if, and only if certain criteria are met. The standard also specifies how to measure the carrying amount of an intangible asset and requires certain disclosures. Apart from this standard, there are also some other laws and bylaws that regulate accounting treatment of intangible assets, which have been thoroughly discussed in this admission paper.

Keywords: intangible assets, balancing, recognition, measurement, disclosure, evaluation, impairment.

DOI: 10.7251/FIN1904049S

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