The topics referring to the corporate governance in the Covid-19 era are insufficiently researched at this moment. The paper will partly
shed a light on this topic by investigating the experience, effects and further trends related to the corporate governance during the Covid-
19 pandemic. Based on the available literature, the author will try to provide insight into some experiences related to the corporate
governance during the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of corporate governance on firm performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, and
the further trends in corporate governance generated by the Covid-19 crisis. According to the obtained findings, the occurrence of the
challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has called into question different corporate governance attributes and negatively affected
firm performance. Effective sustainable corporate governance practice has a moderating role in the relationship between the Covid-19
crisis and firm performance. This pandemic will therefore encourage the companies to change their corporate governance practice in the
future in order for sound and transparent corporate governance to be established.