Archive of Journal - Financing

Financing – scientific magazine for economy

ISSUE 2024, No. 2, Article 4, Year of publication: 15, June, 2024
Crisis management – chalanges, lessons and the contribution of internal audit


Tamara Stojanović, PhD*

*PhD Associate Professor, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Accounting and Business Finance



In today’s interconnected global environment, organizations face an increasing number and frequency of crises. Recent crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and climate changes, have emphasized the need for effective crisis management strategies. These crises have not only redefined business operations but also introduced new risks such as supply chain disruptions, health and safety issues, liquidity shortages, and cyber threats. Crisis management involves pre-planning measures and their implementation to mitigate risks and ensure the organization’s sustainability. Internal audit plays a key role in this process by evaluating the effectiveness of risk management, internal control, and corporate governance processes. Effective use of internal auditors can help organizations make better managerial decisions, overcome sustainability threats, and even turn crises into opportunities. This paper explores the challenges management faces in crisis situations, the lessons learned from past crises, and the vital role of internal audit in supporting crisis management. By leveraging internal audit services, organizations can enhance their crisis response, ensure effective management, and ensure timely implementation of policies and procedures. The study highlights the importance of strategic management, which relies on knowledge management and adaptive leadership, and the significance of internal controls and internal audit in navigating complex and uncertain environments.

Keywords: crisis management, strategic management, internal controls, risks, internal audit

DOI: 10.7251/FIN2402051S

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