Archive of Journal - Financing

Financing – scientific magazine for economy

ISSUE 2024, No. 2, Article 5, Year of publication: 15, June, 2024
Financial reporting of intangible assets


Nikola M. Rakić*

*Faculty of Economics in Subotica, teaching assistant at the University of Novi Sad



The paper analyzes the significance of intangible assets in the modern business environment, as well as their accounting treatment in accordance with international accounting standards. Radical changes in the business environment and the increasing dependence of companies on intangible resources highlight the need for proper disclosure of these assets in financial statements. Relevant available literature indicates a positive correlation between investment in intangible assets and higher return on assets (ROA) in companies, as well as higher levels of economic development in countries with greater investments in intangible assets. The paper places special focus on the disclosure of information that is crucial for decision-makers. It presents examples of best practices in the disclosure of information on intangible assets, providing concrete guidelines for financial reporting. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the development of professional literature and to support professionals involved in financial reporting, emphasizing the importance of accurate and transparent information for making appropriate business decisions.

Keywords: Intangible assets, IAS 38, notes to financial statements.

DOI: 10.7251/FIN2402063R

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